Simple steps to submit an edit to Google Maps

  • Open Menu (hamburger).
Google Maps Menu Hamburger 1
  • Click on “Edit the map”.
Google Maps Menu 2
  • Click on “Add or fix a road”.
Google Maps Edit Map 3
  • Click on the intersection of Lynwood Ave and McGregor as startpoint (approx. 8 blocks north of golf course).
Google Maps Fix a Road Start Point 4
  • Pan north of Edison Home
  • Click on the intersection of W. First St and McGregor as endpoint.
  • Select ‘Other’.
  • Type similar request to remove detour.
  • Click ‘Done’.
Google Maps Fix a Road End Point 5
  • Click ‘Submit’.
Google Maps Fix a Road Submit 6

To check on progress

  • Click ‘Your contributions’.
Google Maps Menu 7
Google Maps Review Edits 8